Thursday, March 27, 2014

Gunpla at 40

About nearly 5 years ago, I started a blog called phaseignition with an ambitious project to turn one of these:


Into a World War 2 DAK (Deutsches Afrikakorps) themed "Desert Zaku". I'm glad to say that nearly 10 years later, its still in pieces with some parts covered with a German Gray Primer and a shoulder missing.  >.<

Its not that I lost interest. Life happened. These days I have time for such things and I might take up that Desert Zaku. Maybe I'll add a cape to cover up that missing shoulder ala Repair Exia. Meanwhile, I just got myself a MG HeavyArms EW and will be using this blog to kinda post about my progress. In fact I have already begun work on it and when I find the time, I'll put up some WIP photos and thoughts.